Basically you count the birds in your garden and record what you find-the results from a huge number of gardens across the UK help to create a snapshot of bird numbers across the country.
There are localised events and all the details are on the RSPB website.
Our bird feeders, food & water tables are replenshed every day to help out the visiting birds especially during the icy cold weather we have at present, so we're stocked up and ready to go:)
The RSPB gives three steps:
1. Watch the birds in your garden or local park for one hour on the weekend of 26 - 27 January 2013.
2. Record the highest number of each bird species you see at the same time. Don't count the total over the hour as you may get the same birds visiting more than once. Also, please only count those birds that land within your garden - not flying over.
3. Once your hour is up, tell us what you've seen. Even if you didn't get as many birds as you expected, or your 'regulars' didn't appear, do still please let us know. It's all really useful information. Our form will be open from the Birdwatch weekend until 15 February 2013 for you to tell us what you've seen.
4. Yes, we know we said three easy steps. But you'll like this step as we just want to say 'congratulations - you've done the Birdwatch!' Along with hundreds of thousands of other wildlife lovers, you've taken a step for nature and helped us find out more about our garden birds. Thank you.